So today we are going to (again) talk about food.  You probably think I am obese or something, because I am talking about food so much, but the truth is I am really undersized for my age.  I love sushi.  I do not like raw fish.  It’s cold and slimy and tastes like cold fish. Meaning to say, it’s just ehh.  Guess what?  I have tasted snails. The advantage is that they were soaked in butter and garlic. They were weird.  So basicaly, I’m very adventurous with food. It can be disgusting and bad or it can be fun and tasty.  So I suggest that you should be crazy with what you eat!!!!!!!!  I also like fried potatoes and that is what I am eating tonight!!!!!!!!!  You should also try mussels.  The ones that I tried had orange flesh and they were good.  My mom has a cook book that is by the pioneer woman and she has the best recipes.  My brother and I are the cooks in the family and so is my mom. please leave a response and tell me what your favorite food is!  Bye for now!


Mia         11/26/17

We went Christmas tree hunting yesterday. We finally decided on a classic-looking tree that was seven feet tall. We also have a fake tree that is six feet tall and really old. We put that in the basement and let my younger brother decorate it. My mom decorated the real one. My mom isn’t one of those people who buys twelve Christmas trees and spends thousands on ornaments, but she can be pretty particular about the one tree and how to decorate it. I love the holidays, with the cookies and hot chocolate and snow.

Anyway, me and Cambria should be posting pictures and videos soon. Turns out, you just have to have a YouTube channel to post videos for free. It took a little convincing, but my mom finally agreed to let us make one. We haven’t yet, though. Also, I think I want to start writing a story soon. Christmas is coming soon! I have some present shopping to do. Cambria has been making warm, wonderful bread. Bye!

Banana Pudding

MIA         11/24/17

Thanksgiving had its ups and downs. I will list the ups first.

  • The title. No, I do not mean thanksgiving is a great name. I meant the banana pudding. My moms friend usually uses Paula Dean’s recipe for it, but she was gone, so another friend made it. The pudding is practically famous among our MC(our small group for church. It stands for missional community), and for good reason.
  • Our MC. Like I said before, it’s basically our church group. Only a few people showed up, but it was still fun and there were plenty of leftovers. I mean, there was like ten adults and six kids and we barely made a dent in the potatoes, and that was only the first pan(yes, I said pan. There was so much that my mom had to put it in a giant pan for meat. The second batch was in a bowl).
  • We hosted. I liked being able to be comfortable and relaxed. When I’m at other poeple’s houses for holidays, there’s always the pressure of having to be super polite. At my house, I can just slip downstairs and watch TV or babysit the little kids whenever I’m bored or awkward subjects are mentioned.
  • The food. I don’t have to explain this one. I’m sure you know what I mean.

Now for the downs.

  • The morning. Thanksgiving morning, I had pancakes with a huge amount of maple syrup. later, I had a super sweet iced coffee. soon, I was feeling super sick and almost threw up. I think it could have been the sugar intake.
  • The age of company. There was no one to hang out with. All of the kids were no older than three or four. Cambria was obbsessed with them, my older brother was watching football, and my younger brother was busy eating and keeping a three year-old from destroying his star wars Legos.
  • No sleep. Us kids went to bed at twelve- thirty. My parents fell asleep at two. So did I(yawn).




  • art and writing
  • music and math and science
  • poetry and music and stories
  • hoping and wishing
  • first, last, and circles
  • circles and squares
  • emotion and expression
  • pictures and words

Art and writing are similar because they both “paint” pictures. It is the same with words and pictures.Poetry and music and stories are similar because they express something. In my opinion, expression and “painting pictures” are not quite the same thing. Music and science and math are all similar because they all involve equations. Music and science are both just math in disguise. writing and music are similar because writing includes poetry, and poetry is like music. Hoping and wishing are similar because wishing is wanting something to happen and hoping is believing some thing could happen and wanting that to happen. Emotion and expression are similar because they both show whats in your mind. Emotion leads to expression. First, last, and circles are similar because circle never end and never start, and that means all circles have unlimited beginnings and endings. I guess there more related than similar. circles and squares are both similar because they never end. 

Blog. Frustrating.

Cambria(but mia feels it too)

this blog is so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


George is our dog. He is weird.  really weird.  He gets grumpy sometimes.  If you saw him like that, you’d prabably think he’s a demon dog.  But he is also a really cute and nice dog.  I also had a dog named Dixie but she died from a dog attack………  It’s really sad.  I love her.  So.  I really like like this blog! Bye.

the future of spoken words

MIA                                                                                                                                            11/23/17

Hello! I know you might be bored with us, so I thought it would be cool to list and explain the cool stuff that should appear in a month or so, maybe less.

  1. Pictures: Tons of pictures of crafts and other things will be posted.
  2. Videos: We are super excited for these. Crafts, songs, and animation videos will be posted.
  3. Sections: Under the tabs, we will have a menus. Example:





….And much more!


Mia      11/23/2017

I just wanted to say that I do know how to capitalise the beginning of each sentence. I just find it easier not to. Plus, many people do that to add “character” to blogs, poetry, and first person novels. sorry. I am educated.

Note within the note: I will keep editing this so that it will always be the first thing you see.

early Christmas

MIA,          11/23/17

Hi! So, yesterday us kids got an early Christmas present. A TV. Believe it or not, we haven’t had one in ten years. long story short, when I was two, our first one broke, and we kept planning to fix it, but it never happened. Then we moved four years ago, and my mom thought we could just avoid it. My older brother had to say something about that though, and my dad soon became a supporter. Finally, about a month ago my mom caved and we were supposed to get one for Christmas. then my dad found one at Best Buy, which was awesome because originally the shipping was going to take two months. Dad bought it and now it’s sitting in our finished basement. Sorry. That turned out to be a long story. we are all excited, even mom. I’m happy mostly because I can invite my friends over now without being embarrassed. I was excited about being able to watch HGTV live, but my parents don’t want to get cable. I know most kids my age like to watch stuff on cartoon network or whatever, but (1) my mom thinks its stupid and (2) it’s kind of boring. My dad is excited about watching sports, my older brother wants an Xbox, and my younger siblings like anything on Netflix. My mom loves HGTV too. Also, I have decided to give up on the whole Danielle thing. It was weird. bye for now!